Understanding AWS ECR Credentials and Expiration

ECR Credentials and Expiration:

When working with private container registries, Docker uses credentials to authenticate and pull images securely. These credentials are typically stored in the ~/.docker/config.json file, which is updated when you run the docker login command.

Here’s how the Docker configuration file looks:

  "auths": {
    "private-registry-1": {
      "auth": "base64-encoded-auth"
    "private-registry-2": {
      "auth": "base64-encoded-auth"

For most private registries, credentials remain valid until explicitly revoked. However, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) operates differently: its credentials have a built-in expiration time. This means you cannot store them indefinitely in Docker. Instead, you must refresh the credentials periodically.

How to Access the Expiration Time of ECR Credentials

To obtain ECR credentials, AWS provides the get-login-password command. This outputs a base64-encoded string containing authentication data. You can run the following command:

aws ecr get-login-password --region <region>

This command returns a string like:


The base64-encoded-data contains both the username (AWS) and the temporary password. By decoding this data, you can reveal its expiration details.

Why Does ECR Use Expiring Credentials?

ECR uses temporary credentials for security reasons. By limiting their validity, AWS reduces the risk of misuse if the credentials are compromised. This mechanism ensures that your container deployments remain secure and up-to-date.


Managing ECR credentials requires an understanding of their expiration mechanism. By decoding the credentials, you can programmatically monitor their expiration time and refresh them as needed. Automating this process ensures smooth operations while maintaining security best practices.

For more details, refer to the AWS ECR Authentication Documentation.